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Children's sleeping bags  
There are 105 products.

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Showing 91 - 105 of 105 items
Showing 91 - 105 of 105 items

Sleeping Bags For Baby or Child

Although our flagship products are slings and wraps, we have enriched our store with comfortable, cozy, soft sleeping bags. We take into account the special needs of our customers, and such mobile sleeping bags for children are very practical and useful gadgets that accompany them through the first few years of life. Cute sleeping bag allows you to find a cozy nook not only at home. Sleeping bags for preschoolers and younger children are worth taking with you regardless of whether you are going on vacation and planning a longer stay, or whether it is just a few hours' visit to grandma or friends. The child with their own sleeping bag will certainly feel more comfortable, almost like at home, and that is exactly the point. A sleeping bag is good for every day and every holiday. Not only the presents, but also relaxing by the Christmas tree in your favourite sleeping bag will make you think of Christmas as something pleasant. Does your child not have his own sleeping bag yet? Then don't hesitate to give it to them as a Christmas present. They will appreciate it especially on cold days.

Sleeping Bags for Newborns

Newborns appreciate everything that is cozy, soft and warm. This is exactly what Luna Dream sleeping bags are. Since babies just after birth sleep the most part of the day, it's worth taking care of soft bedding, sleeping bags and swaddle wraps, which will provide them with comfort and a sense of security. Little ones love to cuddle up in their beloved blankets, sleeping bags and cocoons, which surround them like their mom's arms. In Luna Dream we make sure they are made of soft and safe fabrics. The choice of color in this case is up to adults. Check out cozy sleeping bags for newborns at Luna Dream!

Not Just Sleepovers!

Daily reading of books, watching stories and other activities will certainly be much more attractive in sleeping bags by Luna Dream. Rest and playtime can take place both when the child is wrapped inside the sleeping bag and when the he or she sits comfortably on its surface. The sleeping bags are easy to transport. It is unbelievable how practical they are and how they make life easier for parents and children.

Sleeping Bags For Babies - Anytime, Anywhere!

These sleeping bags, which you can always take with you, also function as a kind of travel mat. The baby can freely change the position during sleep and the sleeping bag doesn't get rolled or moved. Luna Dream sleeping bag will always be in the right place. In addition to the sleeping bag, regardless of its size and color, a crescent-shaped pillow can be bought for the set. Soft, allergen-free dotted pillow complements the set of the little sleeper perfectly.